Oakland native SIYAH, an acronym for Strugglin’ Improves Your Ambitious Hustle, earned his chops in Los Angeles before settling in Asheville two years ago. In that time, the positive hip-hop artist has made regular appearances at open mic nights and local venues and begun to collaborate with musicians such as Kingdom Kome. Between working on his second solo EP, a collaboration EP and regular performances, SIYAH will play at The Pritchard Park Summer Series. The local singer-songwriter series, along with other summertime evening events like Tuesday Hoop Jams, aims to bring residents and visitors alike to Asheville’s epicenter for family-friendly fun. SIYAH will perform at the park on Thursday, July 20, at 6 p.m. Sarah Tucker closes the series on Thursday, July 27. Free. avl.mx/3×9. Photo by Jon Phillip
Smart bets: SIYAH

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