“Tourism must shrink as a proportion of our local economy. We have to start building the foundation on which a new, less tourist-dependent Asheville can thrive.”
Author: Letters
Showing 1303-1323 of 2956 results
Letter: A plea from the owners of an Asheville restaurant
“We need help. We are pleading with the city of Asheville, with Buncombe County and with the state of North Carolina to provide us with some relief and some assistance.”
Letter: Help for the little people
“Have a heart, senators. Show us you care. Think about the people who got you elected.”
Letter: The fallacy of the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’
“The community that the cafe creates allows people like and unlike to break the barriers between them and, in doing so, work together to address our community’s needs.”
Letter: A breath of fresh air
“Thank God for Jerry Sternberg! Mr. Sternberg, you are a commonsense breath of fresh air in our murky world.”
Letter: Support local charities in need
“There is an easy way for homebound folks to help charities at no cost by using the AmazonSmile program when ordering online with Amazon.”
Letter: Everyone is welcome at 12 Baskets, even you
“One of the important missions of 12 Baskets is to break down the barrier that divides our community into socioeconomic groups.”
Letter: Goodbye to Haywood Street trees
“Those shady trees gave much beauty and respite to us all. They will be missed.”
Letter: We all have something to give
“12 Baskets is … teaching us that by offering small gestures, we can help our community thrive as a whole.”
Letter: What is wrong with North Asheville!?!
“What don’t you people understand about ‘Stay at home’?”
Letter: Mission Health should streamline charity care requirements for COVID-19 patients
“It’s critical that patients and their doctors know there is no reason to hesitate for even an instant in seeking needed hospital care.”
Letter: A speech about racial equity that resonated
“We desperately need to learn from and listen to each other without seeking to impose our own views, not only within our own communities but in a spirit of outreach between our countries.”
Letter: Myths and mentalities
“[W]e’ve learned at 12 Baskets that by adopting a mentality of abundance, we can find ways to more evenly and equally distribute wealth and resources, especially food.”
Letter: Asheville should address redlining’s tragedies
“We cannot in good faith be praised for tourism, gentrification or other tributes to the mostly white recipients of American hospitality and opportunity without showing up in other ways to expunge, however minimally it is possible for a small city to do so, the mistakes — the tragedies — that our deliberate or ignorant behavior as a society keeps compounding year after year after year.”
Letter: Why do adults forget lessons in sharing?
“Thankfully, there is 12 Baskets, a place that knows what it means to share with one’s community.”
Letter: The saga of Fluffy Puffy
“Because Stephanie is a low-income person who cannot afford a lawyer, Animal Service can, with impunity, extort many hundreds of dollars from her by holding Fluffy hostage, and he has no more rights than an impounded car, even though Stephanie loves him as a child.”
Letter: For efficiency’s sake, combine city and county governments
“Why do we have two governments overseeing the same 45-mile jurisdiction?”
Letter: How about expanding co-op at Earth Fare space?
“Wouldn’t you be thrilled if the French Broad Food Co-op moved into Westgate plaza to occupy the former Earth Fare space?”
Letter: Let me tell you about Trump
“At best, this fake and incompetent president’s amateur hour performance has left them scratching their collective heads in bewilderment.”
Letter: Asheville Friends urge action against war in Iran
“All this fuss about firearms and the Second Amendment, while we ignore the core intent of the Constitution: balance of power!”
Letter: The Departed and Xpress reviews
“By the way, I’m glad that there has been a diversity of movie reviewers in the Xpress. Good to get different viewpoints, especially women’s.”