“The recent scandals about misspent economic development funds show that the game was really to create a pool of funds, which certain officials could dip into to spend tax money for their personal benefit.”
Author: Letters
Showing 1471-1491 of 2956 results
Letter: Reclaim our rights as voters
“Let your state senator and representative, plus Tim Moore, speaker of the House, and Phil Berger, president pro tem of the Senate, know you support fair redistricts (vote411.org provides contact info).”
Letter: Sharing progressive views at town halls
“Given that Asheville is a blue wavelet in a red congressional sea (N.C. Districts Nos. 10 and 11), I’m surprised Rep. Patrick McHenry still holds town hall meetings in Asheville.”
Letter: Not amused by Frost cartoon
“Ellen Frost doesn’t deserve that tacky cartoon by Randy Molton in the July 31 issue [Xpress].”
Letter: Breastfeeding isn’t the only way
“While the awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding is — thankfully — high these days, the awareness of how hard and possibly untenable it can be for some women is starkly lagging in our community.”
Letter: Leaf pickup policy needs another look
“The city’s policy of dumping leaves and other yard trash out of the plastic bags holding them and leaving the bags lying in the gutter is contributing to plastic ending up in the ocean.”
Letter: We all can support immigrants
“Here’s a different idea: What if some [local] hotel owners, Airbnb owners and people with an extra bedroom or two decided to welcome a few families who are at the border to stay for free and raised the funds to transport them here?”
Letter: ‘Breast Is Best’?
“Imagine my delight to instead read an article encouraging the city of Asheville and its residents to support nursing moms in feeding their babies when and wherever they need!”
Letter: A disturbing encounter in East Asheville
“Nothing like this, to my knowledge, has ever happened in the 20-plus years I’ve been walking dogs in Beverly Hills. So the incident is shocking.”
Letter: Kudos to ART staff
“And to show my loyal support, I’ve been involved in nine bus accidents in 26 years and wouldn’t change my way of getting around Asheville, so thank you, ART staff. You’re wonderful!!”
Letter: District 10, heal thyself
“I don’t know what Big Pharma, health professionals and lobbyists asked of McHenry for their $824,680. But reasonable people can assume it wasn’t to reduce the exorbitant cost of prescription drugs, improve the Affordable Care Act or expand Medicaid.”
Letter: Urge legislators to fix insurance coverage gap
“However, in spite of added expense and bureaucracy, the Republican bill (NC Health Care for Working Families) has the best chance of achieving a bipartisan compromise — if Republican majorities in our state Senate and House will move it through the legislative process.”
Letter: Deadly tobacco is still worth fighting
“However, how many more people must get sick and die before smoking becomes a thing of the past? How many more hundreds of millions of dollars of profits will Big Tobacco reap before we put a total stop to this slaughter by slow, agonizing debilitation?”
Letter: Transplant counters ‘Dissatisfied’ view
“In fairy tales perhaps, evil outsiders raise their own rent, but in reality, rents are set by local property owners and local real estate developers.”
Letter: Van Duyn is no friend
“If she was simply supporting her party leader, how does that make her any better than the GOP officials who vote against what they believe to support Trump?”
Letter: A win-win-win for TDA’s millions
“I bet the TDA could fund our greenway initiatives, maintenance and policing at those huge tourist-driving events in Asheville, and the City Council could then allocate that revenue to fully funding the Transit Plan or road repairs, etc.”
Letter: Sheriff should be put out of office
“Everyone knows that under the liberal ruling Democratic Party in Buncombe, the former county manager robbed the county blind. Now the new sheriff in Buncombe has already said he will not work with the immigration officials.”
Letter: Stop judging and start loving
“What I watched in the park [recently] was saddening. Neither side was ‘right,’ yet both were compelled to shout their version of the truth.”
Letter: Missing the local hosts at BPR
“I see this as just another cog in the ever-growing cloud machine that is turning Asheville into a franchised, syndicated city, instead of a place with its own unique roots and culture.”
Letter: We can’t kick tourism problems down the road
“Apparently, if locals want answers, they should demand them at the next election, which, I understand has been put off for another year.”
Letter: Notes on letters and comments
“It’s all part of the politics of resentment, of ongoing cultural wars and of a pervasive, modern anti-intellectualism that believes college is bad, professors worse, the curriculum tainted and students needlessly driven into ruinous debt.”