Health care advocates plan Oct. 26 press conference to defend the Affordable Care Act

Press release from the NC AIDS Action Network: 

Advocates and health care experts will gather on October 26, 2020, the day of Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation in the Senate, at Pack Square Park in front of City Hall in Asheville for a press conference to defend the Affordable Care Act by sharing personal stories from individuals in North Carolina who have benefitted from provisions in the law.

The impact of Coney Barrett’s confirmation on the Affordable Care Act could be severe. She has previously criticized the Supreme Court’s decision upholding the Affordable Care Act, which provides millions of Americans with access to lifesaving healthcare and contains provisions providing protections for people with pre-existing conditions in obtaining insurance coverage. The Supreme Court will be hearing a case on the Affordable Care Act in November and a shift in the Supreme Court majority could potentially lead to the end of the Affordable Care Act, leaving millions without access to healthcare.

The event is being organized by the North Carolina AIDS Action Network and Indivisible Asheville/WNC and will feature speakers who have benefitted from the Affordable Care Act, as well as health care experts.

WHAT: Defend the Affordable Care Act Press Conference
WHO: Advocates for the Affordable Care Act, supported by the North Carolina AIDS Action Network and Indivisible Asheville/WNC
WHEN: Monday, October 26, 2020 at 10:30am
WHERE: Pack Square Park in front of City Hall, 70 Court Plaza, Asheville, NC 28801

Speakers will be available for in-person or phone interviews after the event.

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One thought on “Health care advocates plan Oct. 26 press conference to defend the Affordable Care Act

  1. Jaddy Baddy

    Wanna get wasted and pinball your crotch rocket
    a hunnert mph between parked cars at rush hour
    on the 405? Don’t worry, crazy rapist Joe Biden
    and his side kick Commie Harris got a PLAN to
    scrape your dumb A off a trucker’s bumper and
    cart you off to the hospital, all at tax payer

    Wanna get rich and famous by skiing off a
    mountain, starting an avalanche and killing
    five of your closest friends? No worries, you
    got Obamacare.

    No matter how stupid and foolish you may be,
    Commie Harris and Joe Biden got you
    covered, all at tax payer expense. When
    crazy rapist Joe Biden and Commie Harris
    tell Democrat voters they love ’em, they mean
    it. Joe Biden and Commie Harris never met a
    sucker they didn’t like.

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