Pardee UNC Health COVID-19 updates

Press release from Pardee UNC Health: 

COVID-19 cases

The Department of Public Health for each county will share known cases and case counts when those occur.

Patient and Visitor Restrictions at Pardee UNC Health

To assist in efforts to minimize exposure to potential COVID-19 cases, the Emergency Department will have a designated check-in station for patients experiencing cough, fever and/or respiratory symptoms. The designated check-in station will be located at the entrance of the Emergency Department, where patients will be assessed and escorted to a separate waiting area. This check-in station will be open from 12:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. and evaluated daily for additional needs, or changes to availability.

All visitors will continue to be screened through the current restrictions screening process upon entry.

Pardee Drive-Thru COVID-19 Screening Site at Blue Ridge Community College

At the close of screening on Thursday, March 19, Pardee had administered over 280 COVID-19 tests at the drive-through screening site. The site will be closed and will reopen once additional test kits are available. We ask for patience as we work with our suppliers to obtain additional test kits.

Patients experiencing symptoms of cough, shortness of breath and fever greater than 100 degrees F, should continue to call the Pardee COVID-19 Helpline at 828-694-8048 to determine if they meet criteria for screening. If they do, they will be asked to self-quarantine at home until such time as the screening site is reopened.

The Helpline is open from 8:00 am – 8:00 pm daily. Please do not go to an Urgent Care or Emergency Department for testing. Pardee Hospital will not be able to provide testing to non-hospitalized patients.

Additional updates can be found at

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