UNC Asheville first-year students read Make Your Home Among Strangers ahead of author visit to campus, Aug. 31

Photo courtesy of UNC Asheville

From UNC Asheville:

UNC Asheville Chooses Make Your Home Among Strangers by Jennine Capó Crucet as Summer Reading for First-Year Students

This summer, UNC Asheville’s new students are reading Jennine Capó Crucet’s novel, Make Your Home Among Strangers, as part of the university’s first-year reading program, and the book’s themes will be part of discussions on campus throughout the fall 2017 semester.

Image courtesy of UNC Asheville
Image courtesy of UNC Asheville

Students and the community will have a chance to engage in-person with Crucet when she delivers a free public lecture at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 31 in UNC Asheville’s Lipinsky Auditorium. Weeks before Crucet arrives on campus, discussions about the book’s themes will begin in small groups led by faculty and staff during new student orientation, and discussion of the novel’s themes will continue during special seminar courses for first-year students.

Make Your Home Among Strangers tells the story of a first-generation college student – the daughter of Cuban immigrants leaving Miami for an elite, northern university. Published in August 2015, the novel quickly gained acclaim as an Amazon.com Best Book of the month. It also was long-listed for the Center for Fiction First Novel Prize, named a New York Times Book Review Editor’s Choice, and in 2016, won the International Latino Book Award for Best Latino-themed Fiction. Crucet, assistant professor of English and ethnic studies at the University of Nebraska, also has won an O. Henry Award for her short stories.

A book signing will take place after the Aug. 31 talk. For more information, contact Jackie McHargue, at jmchargu@unca.edu or 828.250.2370.

About Max Hunt
Max Hunt grew up in South (New) Jersey and graduated from Warren Wilson College in 2011. History nerd; art geek; connoisseur of swimming holes, hot peppers, and plaid clothing. Follow me @J_MaxHunt

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