The purveyors of English-style pub ales and other history styles discuss the importance of honoring beer history.
Urban Combat Wrestling partners with Hi-Wire
The Brawls at the Brewery series has sparked a collaboration that continues to evolve.
Beer Scout: Leveller joins Weaverville brewery scene
Andrew Zinn and Sally Anne Morgan have launched Weaverville’s third brewery.
Year in Review: Brewers get back to business
Brewers from 12 Bones, Eurisko, Oyster House and Riverside Rhapsody look back on the year that was.
Beer Scout: Karis Roberts named new Asheville Brewers Alliance executive director
New leadership and news plans are underway for the Asheville Brewers Alliance.
Beer Scout: 7 Clans joins Biltmore Village brewing scene
The Indigenous, female-owned brewery is making fast friends in town, plus an update from the Asheville Brewers Alliance.
What’s new in food: Highland Brewing Co. hosts Cold Mountain Winter Ale Festival
Whether you’ve lived in Asheville your entire life or just moved here, chances are you’re familiar with Highland Brewing Co.’s seasonal Cold Mountain Winter Ale. “We have some die-hard Cold Mountain fans — those who aim to be first in line each year decked out in their vintage Cold Mountain hats and shirts,” says Nikki Mitchell, […]
Beer Scout: Whaley Farm Brewery opens in Old Fort
The McDowell County town adds its second beer producer and CiderFest NC returns after a two-year hiatus.
Beer Scout: Ginger’s Revenge adds South Slope Lounge
Cristina and David Ackley discuss their ginger beer brewery’s new taproom and Daidala Ciders’ Chris Heagney gives an update on his West Coast doings.
Bhramari and Burial open Charlotte taprooms
The South Slope breweries join fellow Asheville businesses Catawba and Hi-Wire in the state’s largest city.
Outsider Brewing opens in Woodfin; Wedge adds Grove Arcade spot
Asheville’s newest brewery highlights engagement, while one of its oldest expands downtown.
Just Brew It: AVL Beer Week anchor
Just Economics Executive Director Vicki Meath discusses the homebrew festival’s legacy and return to Beer Week.
AVL Beer Week celebrates industry resilience
AVL Beer Week co-coordinators Joanna Postlethwaite Brown and Katie Smith discuss the long road to bringing back in-person events.
Beer Scout: Sierra Nevada, Hi-Wire explore different sides of sustainability
Chris Frosaker discusses what goes on behind-the-scenes in Hi-Wire’s expansions while the Sierra Nevada sustainability team offers an update on its work.
Beer Scout: Green Man celebrates 25th anniversary
Asheville’s second oldest brewery — and first on the South Slope — turns 25 while Pabst Blue Ribbon honors local artist Hannah Bunzey’s can design.
What’s new in food: Soul Food Supper celebrates Black History Month
Soul Food Supper returns to help celebrate Black History Month. Also: Hi-Wire Brewing celebrate Mardi Gras with a special beer release; Murasaki Asheville opens in Arden; and more!
Nonalcoholic beers offer alternatives and risks for those in recovery
The decision for many to forgo alcohol poses challenges when it comes to socializing. For some, the recent boom in the nonalcoholic beer industry provides a tasteful way to participate in a beer-saturated city. For others, the new brews, which are nearly identical in taste to the real thing, are viewed as too tempting to try.
Beer Scout: Archetype pivots from Bottle Club to Beer Club
The West Asheville brewery seeks to reward its most loyal customers while Highland gives back to hospitality industry colleagues.
(HUMOR) Beer Scout: Hi-Wire announces lunar location
The circus-themed suds slinger goes where no brewery has gone before and a beloved Fairview personality gets a shot at stardom.
Beer Scout: Catawba acquisition results in job loss
Catawba employees navigate distrust in the workplace, Hoppy Trees opens in Weaverville and Chemist collaborates with Green Man on a whiskey.
New shops join scenic views among Mars Hill’s attractions
After more than a year of lockdowns and hesitant restarts, the Madison County college town of Mars Hill is feeling the effects of shifting trends. “People have decided they want to have a less congested life but still have access to restaurants and shopping,” notes real estate agent Angela Morgan.