Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler September 12-18: Last Arbitrage of Dark Sugar Man Retributio­n

The art titles have it this week—at least locally—and we bid farewell to the weekend of the worst box office in years. (Well, when your big opening movie is The Words what do you expect?) We have three art titles up against one mainstream title—and one oddity that slipped in quietly and will probably leave the same way.

Justin Souther at Toronto Internatio­nal Film Festival Part Two

This trip to Toronto is the first time I’ve ever left The States, a fact that I’ve found is surprising to most. The city, in many respects, reminds of New York but less bustling and less intimidating. It’s a strange town in a way, too—a place that has adult cinemas, sex shops, and male strip clubs across the street and up the block a bit from the American Apparel. What’s oddest is that it all seems to fit, and no one—at least from my experience—seems to mind.

Film Critic Justin Souther at the Toronto Internatio­nal Film Festival

For the next week, the Xpress’ own Justin Souther will be whiling away his time at the Toronto International Film Festival—getting, in many cases, an early look at what we’ll be seeing in Asheville during awards season (which is just about upon us). Since the rest of us are stuck here—holding down the fort, as it were—while world-traveler Justin is awash in movies and hob-nobbing with the famous, he has promised to send us updates on his experiences. This is the first.  —Ken Hanke

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler September 5-11: The Words Sleepwalk with Ai Weiwei

We’re looking at a light week—or so it appears at this moment. The Labor Day holiday means that there’s the chance (fairly slim, I think) that someone’s going to sneak something into the mix—especially if any theater finds itself stuck with The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure for a second week. As it stands, however, we’re in for two art titles and one mainstream one.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler August 29-September 4: Possessed Lawless Killer Robot Jesse Oogielove

It’s official: Wednesday openings no longer have any meaning whatsoever. I mean when something called The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure scores a showcase mid-week release…yes, well. However, this is generally a pretty heavy week of releases—three art titles, two mainstream ones, and the Oogieloves. Truly, there is something here for everyone—in virtually every rating known to man, including the rarely seen NC-17.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler Aug. 1-7: Southern Beasts of Wimpy Recall

Whatever else happens this week at the movies, I suspect that we can be assured that the mainstream titles (of which there are two) will be better than last week’s mainstream titles (of which there were two). Before you get too excited, remember what last week’s titles were. It won’t be hard to be better than those. Now, the art title is another matter.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler July 25-31: Step Up Intouchabl­e Watch Not Guaranteed

We can now settle back into movie releasing normalcy since The Dark Knight Rises has risen. And considering it’s Bele Chere weekend that’s good news for those of us in search of air conditioned amusements that don’t involve going anywhere near downtown. However, all is not skittles and beer. The two art titles opening this week are one thing, but the ones grasping for those simoleons from more mainstream moviegoers look pretty sketchy indeed. Then again, those art titles are choice.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler July 18-24: The Dark Knight Rises and That’s It

Only one movie opens this week—and that’s no surprise. Put simply, no one wants to put their film up against the poised juggernaut of Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises. Not even the art titles care to tackle this one, but then the current run of art titles—Moonrise Kingdom, To Rome with Love, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Your Sister’s Sister, and even Bernie—are going strong enough that that market might be saturated anyway.

The 2012 48 Hour Film Project

Last week in the hermetically-sealed room of an undisclosed location, three shadowy figures assembled in the gloom of a single candle to make decisions of grave importance about this year’s 48 Hour Film Project. Sworn to secrecy under penalty of who knows what, this trio—this Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego of the movies—were charged with the task of deciding the winners of this year’s bout of Cinema in a Rush.

Filmmaker Lynn Shelton talks Your Sister’s Sister with Cranky Hanke

The first thing I noticed when I got the phone call from Lynn Shelton — the writer-director of Your Sister’s Sister (opening Fri., July 13 at The Carolina) — for our interview was that she hadn’t blocked her number from showing up on caller ID. I liked that. It immediately presented her to me as completely unaffected. And our conversation proved that entirely true.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler July 4-10: To Rome with Amazing Savage Katy Perry

It’s a confusing sort of week in that the studio folks can’t seem to figure out what day movies should open on. Is it Tuesday? Or maybe Thursday? (Thursday??) Or what about plain old Friday like normal people? Well, since boardrooms full of the finest minds in marketing (yes, well…) could not seem reach a conclusion, they decided to go with all three.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler June 27-July 3: Moonrise People Like Mike, Madea and Ted

Yes! The wait is over. It’s finally here! I mean the new Tyler Perry picture with Madea, you understand. Not seriously—although, yes, that’s coming as well, along with several other things. What I really refer to is, of course, Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom. The question is whether or not it lives up to the praise that has preceded its arrival?

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler June 13-17: That’s the Sound of Rock Hysteria

Usually by this time of the year I’ve started giving some thought to what’s likely to qualify for a “Best of” list come the year’s end, but the truth is that so far the pickings have been what you’d call lean. We’ve had one sure thing and a couple of maybes — and leave us face it, that’s not so hot for a year that’s racing toward being half over. With that in mind, I’m pleased to announce that one more strong candidate opens this Friday. There are also three other titles that are not strong candidates.