Hot Springs microgrid

Green in brief: Duke Energy completes Hot Springs microgrid

The microgrid includes 2 megawatts of solar panel capacity and 4.4 MW of battery storage. Those resources are enough to power the entire town for an extended period if its connection to the main grid is disrupted.

Green salamander

From CPP: The uncertain future of old-growth forests in North Carolina, part three, the green salamander­s

The recent decision to harvest 26 acres that encompass an old-growth patch of forest on a 3,500-foot mountaintop – the Southside Project – underscores what some say is the widening incongruity between the U.S. Forest Service’s mission, climate change crisis and the public’s will.

Mills River Partnership live staking

Green in brief: Asheville protects land at Mills River water plant

Backed by a $400,000 grant from the N.C. Land and Water Fund, the nonprofit Mills River Partnership is restoring roughly 14 acres of riverside near the plant. Maria Wise, the nonprofit’s executive director, says her organization will stabilize the riverbanks and replace invasive plants with native varieties.

Riverside Park rendering

Green in brief: Woodfin Greenway & Blueway gets $5.9M TDA boost

The funding represents the final amount needed for the $30 million project, which has been under development since 2011. The money will go toward constructing 5 miles of greenway along the French Broad River and Beaverdam Creek, as well as park facilities and a wave feature for whitewater enthusiasts.