Letter: Democratic thugs have worked to destroy U.S.

Graphic by Lori Deaton

[Regarding “Vote to Save our Country, Freedom and Lives,” Oct. 10, Xpress]: Barack (Hussein) Obama [for] eight years coddled criminals, hugged homosexuals, put regulations on companies and industry to where it could hardly operate, brought thousands of Muslims into the U.S., stealing the future of Americans.

Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law; more stealing from the U.S. people. Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, made a deal with a Russian company for 20 percent of the U.S. uranium production.

Ever since Trump has come in, the Democrat mafia has been fighting him. These thugs have worked to destroy the U.S. for many years! Please print this for … [letter writer Lloyd] Kay.

— Tom Robinson


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19 thoughts on “Letter: Democratic thugs have worked to destroy U.S.

  1. luther blissett

    What is the purpose of a) publishing this pack of demonstrable lies; b) putting it on the MX website, other than to generate a comment war and clickthroughs? How does this editorial decision contribute to a “platform for civil dialogue”?

    Stop trolling your readers.

    • Virginia Daffron

      Publishing a wide range of community perspectives almost guarantees that some of them will rub some of our readers the wrong way. Since clicks and comment totals provide no or virtually no financial benefit to Xpress, our motivation isn’t economic. The labor cost of my response to you is probably 10 or 100 times (or more) what we would ever make off of the clicks generated by this letter, no matter how many times it’s viewed.

      • luther blissett

        If you’re willing to say “I truly believe that publishing this letter contributes to civil dialogue on the issues we face together as a local community” then at least it makes clear the editorial judgment on display.

    • Lulz

      LOL should be called cultist. After all anyone who thinks 3 trillion a year spent on healthcare is feasible is beyond rational thought. At that point it’s fantasy. As is lowering the voting age and stacking the Supreme Court and getting rid of the electoral college.

      Again, why the refusal of the DNC to hold a debate on Fox News? Are they afraid their policies will be called out for the pandering insanity that they are? Their ideology is so twisted and corrupt that the only thing they offer is bribes?

      • SpareChange

        If one possessed a shred of political or intellectual honesty, then the same criticism should apply to the Cheeto-In-Chief, who is unsurpassed in his constant whining about how he is covered. He has done 41 one-on-one interviews with Fox, and 0 with CNN, and less than a handful with all other networks combined. So, same question… “What is he afraid of?” Heck, even at Fox he hand picks those he’ll sit down with, and lambasts even their reporters who would dare to utter a critical word or ask a tough question.

        But here’s the real point: As usual, it’s not the actual substance of the comment made that evokes a response; it’s the baffling notion that either party has a fundamentally different Modus Operandi than the other. Criticize the Dems (most of the time I will probably agree with you, although probably for different reasons), but even if you do favor one party over the other, at least be honest enough to criticize the same (or worse) behavior coming from the GOP. Both respond to political stimuli in pretty much the same way. Just witness Lindsey Graham, along with most of his GOP colleagues in the Senate, sell out their own principles (and his best friend) just to help avoid a primary challenge. Now there is a case study in wide spread political cowardice that is unsurpassed in my experience.

        • Lulz

          LOL even Ted Koppel knows the media is biased lulz. LOL did they find that Russian collusion yet?

          • SpareChange

            Even when someone actually tries to engage you on a substantive point, the response is just the same old spew. Troll on.

      • Lou

        Why refuse to hold debate on Fox News? Probably because they only want to associate with genuine news reporters, not something akin to Brietbart.

  2. Lulz

    LOL yep. Even better, their refusal to hold Presidential debates on Fox News just says they fear being called out for their positions. DNC chair Perez will appear on the network but the DNC won’t hold debates lulz.

    • Lou

      Sheeple: Those who follow the ignorant masses despite fact and what they see with their own eyes.
      Enlightened is hardly the correct word to insert anywhere near your screen name you poor, (un)woke soul.

  3. Jason W

    NAFTA had it’s origins in the Reagan Administration, and was drafted during Bush Sr. administration. With a surprising amount of bi-partisanship, it was passed by the House and Senate in 1993, and was signed into law by Clinton. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Free_Trade_Agreement
    If you think it’s a failure and want to assign fault, then both parties are to blame. Laying it solely at the feet of the Democrats is factually incorrect.
    And the so called “Uranium One” conspiracy theory has been time and time again debunked and mostly false. https://www.politifact.com/facebook-fact-checks/statements/2018/dec/07/blog-posting/complex-tale-involving-hillary-clinton-uranium-rus/

  4. Lillian Warren

    It was the choice of both parties to ignore issues now seeping or oozing out of the sewer scum they came from.
    Pedophiles destroy lives and you fools are arguing over which party is the most complicit.
    Both are
    You want to fall for the divide and conquer bull….. So be it..
    As for me, I keep hoping people get a clue.. What the rich do to folks you don’t value they’ll eventually do to you.
    Your failures to treat all people with respect is the issue.
    The rest is pedantic semantics slung by short sighted types
    All politicians lie.. Face it.. You want a hero?
    BE ONE
    All threads remind me how little anyone cares.

    • bsummers

      Um… I don’t see anything about “pedophiles” in the above discussion.

    • Stan Hawkins

      On one hand I agree with what you are saying, and on the other hand I disagree. In this post you infer people come from scum, cast derogatory remarks about rich people, and then you say treating all people with respect is the issue. For the record, I agree with the treating people with the respect point that you are making, while disagreeing with the original post author. Perhaps you omitted some clarifying remarks.

      When I was a kid my father took me to see the Harlem Globe Trotters (basketball team) play some no name traveling team probably at the old civic center. While I did not know it at the time, the game was rigged for the spectators entertainment and the Trotters spun their basketball wizardry in remarkable victory for the fans who had paid money to witness the event.

      This experience reminds me of our current political climate and rhetoric in that it seems like a rigged game for all (we the people) whether left – center – right leaning. We the people are paying. History and learned professors teach us in life, business, public and private enterprise that most of us are capable and worthy of respect, yet we all fail to live up to our potential. It is the old remove the boulder out of our own eye before showing others about the splinter in their eye parable.

      Of course political ideology is a touchy subject. I once heard a wise person in business say, “when confronted with problems – separate the people from the problem to be sure of the facts.” Our media, our political climate, and in many cases our leaders do the opposite. Which do you prefer?

      When we are either deplorable, socialist, communist, pick a gender identity, rich, right wing, left wing, liberal, conservative, open border enthusiasts, closed border heartless, activists, passivist, etc. etc., who do you think is paying for the show?

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