Richmond Hill residents hunker down for fight over proposed developmen­t

Richmond Hill residents, eager to preserve their quiet neighborhood from traffic and construction, will do just about anything to block plans to build nearly 1,400 residential units overlooking the French Broad River. And Florida-based developer John Holdsworth and his team appear equally committed to seeing their project approved and constructed. 

Asheville City Council

Despite a less-than-encouraging response by the state Department of Transportation, Asheville is continuing to explore a locally developed plan for the I-26 connector. The big idea: This map, prepared by city staff, illustrates just how large an incorporated Leicester would be. Representatives from the DOT, the Federal Highway Administration and several engineering consulting firms weighed […]

The Green Scene

“Slippery little rascal” fans flames of Richmond Hill debate A slippery debate: The discovery of a Southern Zigzag Salamander in Richmond Hill Park sparked a round of e-mails debating whether the urban forest is an appropriate location for a National Guard Armory. Courtesy R.D. Bartlett This past April, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission biologist Lori […]