Jug-Baby: An Autobiography follows the plight of a youth whose parents inadvertently strip their baby of gender and identity after attempting to mold the child into a circus attraction that physically fits inside a jug. Philadelphia Transmissions Theatre, known for its “transcendentally bizarre stories,” presents the one-woman puppet show, calling the production “a whimsical journey of sexuality and self-discovery,” that details Jug-Baby’s endeavors to “move past the expectations of others.” Puppeteer C. Kennedy will be accompanied by live music from Asheville’s The Resonant Rogues and Philadelphia’s Upholstery, and the show will also feature animations by Sean MacPhee and Nora Humpage. Jug-Baby‘s existential East Coast tour stops at The Odditorium on Monday, Nov. 17, at 9 p.m. $5. ashevilleodditorium.com. Artwork by Nora Humpage
Smart bets: Jug-Baby

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