For several years, writer Mandy Gardner has been hosting talent shows from the porch of her West Asheville home. On Monday, April 23, she and fellow local writer Leah Shapiro bring that backyard entertainment to The Mothlight in the form of Talent! A Show, highlighting area creatives while raising funds for Our VOICE during Sexual Violence Awareness Month. Performers include musicians Tina and Her Pony, Chris Rodrigues and Abby the Spoon Lady; juggling troupe Forty Fingers & A Missing Tooth; How to Ruin Your Life Sketch Comedy Troupe; Kathleen Hahn of DANCECLUB Asheville; poet Kevin Evans and comedian Tom Peters. Between acts, brief live auctions will take place, and select audience members may come onstage to share a talent in a minute or less. The event begins at 8 p.m. and is for ages 18 and older. Donations encouraged. Photo of Kevin Evans by Byron Tenesaca
Smart Bets: Talent! A Show

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