“We ask why the developers don’t care. They’ve been taught architecture as though project sites were interchangeable background slides projected behind the main subject: the man-made structure.”
Author: Letters
Showing 1030-1050 of 2956 results
Letter: Could local Black artists ‘Advance Asheville’?
“Hiding history only tempts us to repeat it.”
Letter: Thumbs-down on vaccine decision
“I ask: Who is more likely to die from COVID — schoolchildren or seniors?”
Letter: Where are workers’ views on tourism plans?
“Most people I know working in the ‘hospitality field’ are struggling to meet the recently announced $17-plus per hour living wage threshold and facing rising property taxes.”
Letter: Stop the Police Funding Protection Act
“Many cities are now reallocating funds from bloated police departments to underfunded social services that help to alleviate homelessness, mental illness and substance abuse.”
Letter: Who will pay costs of development?
“Projects like the one proposed for Richmond Hill have real, externalized costs, as well as intangible costs. We need to identify those costs and ask who will pay for them.”
Letter: Cawthorn and the fight mindset
“When he talks of opposing ‘the far left’s schemes,’ I wonder, is this a reference to constituents like me who support Medicare for All and Democratic Socialist institutions like public schools and libraries, the police and fire departments, highways, roads, bridges?”
Letter: Additions to obelisk could tell a story
“Displaying chains and manacles on the sides of the monument would be a similar thought-provoker. To explain the sight would be to consider our local history of slavery and convict labor.”
Letter: Vaccine allocation dooms Buncombe’s seniors
“On Feb. 16, Buncombe County commissioners decided that political considerations were more important than science-based plans for COVID-19 vaccinations.”
Letter: Show you care by wearing a mask
“My dear friend, who works as a nurse and has been testing patients for COVID outside in all kinds of weather since March, lost her beloved father to COVID.”
Letter: A five-letter word for reconciliation
“My proposal is to rename the shaft of stone on Pack Square as Peace Monument.”
Letter: School board should be independent of Asheville City Schools
“This really needs to be in the regulations of the Asheville City Council: ‘Only applicants independent of the school system will be considered for the positions of school board.'”
Letter: Destroying monument would be shortsighted
“The uh-oh moment came when the appointed commission, conspicuously lacking local architects or representatives from historic preservation, came back with an 11-1 suggestion of removal.”
Letter: Keep Asheville a place for all
“Please reach out to those who control the taxes and our future direction with your complaints. We do have a voice, so please use it.”
Letter: Show thanks to front-line cashiers
“We should appreciate the risks they are taking and show that appreciation by giving them an extra dollar over the order or at least telling them to keep the change.”
Letter: Asheville must pass LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections
“The Asheville City Council and Buncombe County Board of Commissioners have a unique opportunity to be leaders on the issue of LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections.”
Letter: Homeless camp removal shows need for better government response
“So, the paradoxical situation is that we pay taxes to allow destruction of humans’ property, means of surviving and dignity, while we voluntarily pay to improve those circumstances.”
Letter: The problem with urban food gardening
“All land served by sewer lines is desperately needed for housing, both to end homelessness and to save fuel by reducing commuting distances.”
Letter: More support can be tapped to reject Raytheon
“Keep in mind that 20% of anything harmful is still 100% harmful.”
Letter: Repurposing monument would offer chance for learning, growth
“The repurposing of the Vance Monument would present an opportunity, not only for learning, but also to add yet another layer to the history and growth of this community.”
Letter: Thank you, COVID-19 relief team
“But your efforts — coupled with a continuing commitment by everyone else to mask up, wash up and keep themselves and others safe — will hopefully turn the tide.”