Xpress heard from residents from all walks of life — some in health care, many not — about their thoughts on health and wellness in the region in 2023.

Xpress heard from residents from all walks of life — some in health care, many not — about their thoughts on health and wellness in the region in 2023.
“So, what is going to happen now that women are being forced to have children that they are not physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually prepared to raise?”
Letting Magic In is a coming-of-age story about her connection to the Earth, her intuition and the unseen realm that may surround us all. “I wanted to show the slow ebb and flow of moving from one place to the other, questioning and doubting, stepping forward and back and forward and back.”
On July 1, the window in which to end a pregnancy in North Carolina narrowed. Senate Bill 20 criminalizes abortion after 12 weeks of gestation with few exceptions and places additional requirements on women seeking abortions.
“The power-hungry, self-serving draconian Republican legislators have not only neglected the will of the people, but they have placed an undue burden on women during some of the most vulnerable moments in their lives.”
“We should use and maintain what we have (except nukes), manufacture mainly two-stroke diesel bus (and fire engine) parts and address climate change exclusively with municipal abortion funding.”
“I believe we can solve the problem of some unwanted pregnancies with vasectomies.”
“I have no problem with Christians being guided by their faith in their personal lives, but I do not want any of my elected officials making decisions that will impact all of us based on their religion. Whatever that religion is.”
“She favors an inclusive society that maintains rights, fairness and opportunity for every citizen.”
The reproductive landscape in America vastly changed on June 24 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in Dobbs v. Jackson that abortion is not a right under the Constitution.
“Abortion access is a Jewish value, and bans on abortion are a violation of Jewish religious freedom and human rights.”
WNC retains abortion access through Planned Parenthood’s Asheville Health Center, the region’s sole provider of the procedure. What is less clear, at least at this moment, is how restrictions on abortion will impact the area’s child welfare system.
As the sole abortion provider in Western North Carolina, the Planned Parenthood in Asheville will become the closest legal abortion destination for millions of people.
“From the perspective of a Quaker witness to human equality, the Swannanoa Valley Friends Meeting is concerned to respond to the current denial of the human right to choose if and when to become a mother.”
Although abortion is technically legal in the U.S., access varies widely. State laws dictate which specific procedures are allowed, which health care providers can perform them and even who can get an abortion. Access is also shaped by how many facilities there are in a given area that are capable of providing this kind of […]
Amid signs reading “My body, my choice, my right” and chants of “We won’t go back!”, supporters of reproductive rights gathered at Pack Square on Sept. 6 as a local response to Senate Bill 8, a ban in Texas on abortions of pregnancies of more than about six weeks. The Speakout for Reproductive Freedom, organized […]
“Go home. Pay your taxes. Hug your children. Trust women.”
“I know Asheville is Democratic territory, but I think if you studied the platforms the Democratic Party celebrates, you would be dismayed and sickened by the things they propose.”
“The ‘little man’ from Assisi found a way that did not provoke anger, hostility and division. Can we? Blessed are the peacemakers. Is there a place where anger and compassion meet?”
“The most recent ploy to feed their addiction to power is that of spending state tax dollars to fund so-called pregnancy crisis centers that are in fact run by anti-choice groups that likely have church or religious affiliations, centers that do not offer family planning services, that do not offer other women’s health services.”