How did Xpress readers process all the local news and changes this year? Here’s a look at the topics that generated the most commentaries, letters to the editor and online comments in Xpress in 2019.

How did Xpress readers process all the local news and changes this year? Here’s a look at the topics that generated the most commentaries, letters to the editor and online comments in Xpress in 2019.
“That orange man is scary! I don’t want him to be the boss of us! He’s mean.”
“My story hardly registers on the health care scale of misery. Others have experienced far worse, losing their life savings for not being ‘in network.'”
“This is a pivotal moment to speak out about the climate crisis. Elected leaders need to understand there is a growing groundswell of support for climate solutions.”
“I am thrilled that he stands with our president and hope that he has a long tenure in Congress!”
“Oddly enough, the future of the Republican stranglehold on North Carolina and the nation can be glimpsed through Meadows and the 11th District.”
“How despicable to think that a grown woman cannot make her own statement about her interpretation and experience regarding working with President Trump.”
“I was shocked and dismayed by the optics when, while watching the Michael Cohen congressional hearing, Mark Meadows, our own 11th District representative, paraded an African-American lady before the assemblage like a life-size cardboard cutout.”
“Because of these and many more of Mark Meadows’ positions that my wife and I disagree with, we are actively supporting the alternative for the 11th Congressional District, Democrat Phillip Price.”
“We do recall him voting for the doomed American Health Care Act and then crying crocodile tears about not having known of the impact it would have on poor and working families.”
“Just look at Mark Meadows aiding Trump! Does he bother to campaign here or debate Phillip Price? No.”
“Congressman [Mark] Meadows deserves credit for standing up for taxpayers and against special interests in the Farm Bill.”
“Americans are tired of paying too much for health care. We are fed up with politicians pursuing partial and incremental solutions, such as health savings accounts.”
N.C.’s tenth and eleventh congressional district primary results finalize fall races with McHenry and Meadows maneuvering to defend their seats.
The Asheville chapter of a national environmental group is pushing a plan it believes can win bipartisan support for combating climate change.
“As Asheville’s Drew Jones (co-founder of Climate Interactive) has stated, two things critical for promoting large-scale and rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are citizen engagement and putting a price on carbon.”
“It is important that such things be brought forward.”
“Mark Meadows hates big government when it helps people with health problems, but he loves big government when it benefits his investments.”
In an effort to emphasize the importance of access to affordable health insurance coverage for North Carolinians, Pisgah Legal Services held a press conference Tuesday in partnership with the North Carolina Justice Center. Speakers included political and legal advocates for the ACA, as well as residents who offered stories about their experiences with affordable care and health insurance.