“We hope the Council will be committed to balancing new development with improvements to maintain and enhance the Haw Creek community.”

“We hope the Council will be committed to balancing new development with improvements to maintain and enhance the Haw Creek community.”
“The developer has offered no solutions to community concerns so far. Public hearings to date have been widely attended and in opposition to the project as proposed.”
“This building boom is on steroids, and it’s turning what was a quaint little town and quiet rural countryside into constant traffic congestion.”
“I point my speaker toward what used to be the Vance Monument. I find that I have to turn up the volume a bit just so that I can hear the music with which I’m playing. I may be violating a noise ordinance, and if anyone asked me to turn it down, I would do so.”
“Can anyone explain why panhandlers at street intersections usually remain stationary even when the traffic light is red for cars headed in their direction?”
“What can our officeholders actually do? They can’t call a halt to growth and development, but they can stop or modify some particularly harmful projects.”
“One way or another, the Great Being in the Sky will persuade people, mostly Floridians, that Asheville isn’t the haven they once expected.”
“I urge City Council to take the time to review its decisions before making a huge mistake that will affect our neighborhoods for years to come.”
“Having spent time in El Paso, Texas, I am struck by interesting comparisons to Asheville.”
“I’m tired of people here complaining about growth. Frankly, this small-mindedness reminds me of people in Maine who want to keep out ‘outsiders from away.’”
“Asheville’s not weird anymore, and I’m sad about that.”
“Ultimately, favoritism is handed toward developers and bottom lines, while major impacting projects are slipped past under the radar. People don’t get a fair chance to oppose such, let alone win.”
“The development is to be built on a main road, in the middle of a long-established commercial strip; it will not destroy some quiet neighborhood.”
“The more people we pack into the urban center will eventually ruin our town and lead to the worst traffic imaginable — forever — and for everyone.”
“I urge you to drive through this neighborhood and appreciate it for what it is, while open-mindedly envisioning the devastation that would accompany thousands of vehicles, should Bluffs on River Bend be approved.”
Downtown traffic is about to get a lot worse, according to Asheville City Council member Sheneika Smith. “Because this project is so massive and we’ve already accommodated for almost 1,000 parking spaces — which is equivalent to, we’ll say, 500 vehicles flowing up and down this major area where our bus terminal is — I […]
“Low wages, corporate landlords, lack of rent control, high prices, brutal traffic, the fake homeless, street crime and white collar crime have all combined to make Asheville an increasingly undesirable place in which to call home.”