“If you want to protect your parents and grandparents, your friends and neighbors with other health problems, the nurses and doctors in the emergency rooms, and first responders, and get back to ‘normal,’ then get your shots.”

“If you want to protect your parents and grandparents, your friends and neighbors with other health problems, the nurses and doctors in the emergency rooms, and first responders, and get back to ‘normal,’ then get your shots.”
“Every family and household, all children, each person — especially without convenient auto or bus access — needs a library that is easy to reach and use in physical, interpersonal and electronic ways to foster this kind of democratic interaction.”
“Before we go hog wild on marketing Asheville to the world, can we pause (or at least more slowly ramp up) to consider what’s best for the city and its inhabitants?”
“While I don’t like opposing friends and neighbors who are afraid of the proposed development, I do think we need to recognize that the city is growing and changing, especially this area near downtown.”
“The view of Ms. Hudson and others that we have no choice but to be swamped under the deluge of people who want to be here is — in my opinion — misguided.”
“Let’s replace that obelisk with a giant microphone in honor of the late, great Nina Simone!”
“While I am not in favor of this particular project — I do feel the native homes are worth preserving — the problem is the same forces rallying to oppose this are the same folks who oppose every new development.”
“So my question is: Why do we have to accommodate more and more people who want to live here?”
“Buncombe County can no longer afford peace on Earth.”
“In my experience, healthy development is always a negotiation and always requires developers to revise their initial ambitious plans.”
“The city’s role should be to facilitate, not impede, the landowners’ exercise of their rights and liberties, including property rights.”
“Asheville is a small city and applying mega-urban-growth ideals is not what this city is all about.”
“The bloated Asheville City Schools needs to be heavily doctored and combined into Buncombe County Schools for the desired all-one effect.”
“If we elect spendthrifts, the funds will be wasted. We need to be careful about who we vote for.”
“It is past time to significantly update or eliminate the two-tiered enrollment system and officially recognize and figure out transportation for “out-of-district” students who live in Asheville Housing Authority projects and economically depressed areas in the city of Asheville that are locked out of the legacy district boundaries.”
“And within a year, Buncombe County, where Pratt & Whitney has recently broken ground, will become another cog in the wheel of death.”
“Does no one see these things affect each other?”
“The secret was out long ago. So, just how many millions do we need to promote, to advertise this town?”
“Get your minds off of what might or might not be in someone’s pants, legislators, and work on something useful like expanding Medicaid or increasing teachers’ pay.”
“Buncombe County as a whole is actively ‘paving paradise to put up a parking lot.'”
“In Buncombe County and across our state, the demand for child care spots far exceeds the supply.”