Call for vendors and artists for International Children’s Day Festival

Members of Jarabe Tapatio from the International Dance Academy in Mexico pose for a group of fesivalgoers during Sunday's Festival Hendersonville, held at the south end of Main Street. -- Stephen Kindland/For the Times-News

Press release from Hola Community Arts:

International Children’s Day Festival
April 29, 2018 Hendersonville, NC Jackson Park

Early Registration is Open!
Vendors, Artists, & Makers:

Early Registration Vendor Fees (Payment must be received prior to April 1st, 2018)

Food Vendors:  $250 (20′ x 10′)
Retail Vendors: $150 (10′ x 10′)
Artisan Vendors:  $100 (10′ x 10′)
Non-profit Vendors: $100 (10′ x 10′)

Vendor Fees after April 1st, 2018

Food Vendors:  $350 (20′ x 10′)
Retail Vendors: $250 (10′ x 10′)
Artisan Vendors:  $150 (10′ x 10′)
Non-profit Vendors: $100 (10′ x 10′)

Let’s make the 2018 International Children’s Day the best one yet.
We know your community is important to you.

Together, let’s build bridges, make connections, and be a positive influence on our youth.

We support the individual personalities of children and you can too. Please consider participating in the following ways:


Showcase your ART

Sell your delicious FOOD

Play your MUSIC

Be a friend of Hola Community Arts and DONATE

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