BCS board bans book from all district high schools

At its Feb. 8 meeting, the Buncombe County Board of Education voted unanimously to remove author Ellen Hopkins’ fictional 2009 book, Tricks. Three other books under consideration — Hopkins’ Perfect, Patricia McCormick’s Sold and Sarah Gruen’s Water for Elephants — remain on county high school library shelves, based on recommendations from the Buncombe County Schools’ Media and Technology Advisory Committee.

Theater review: The Glorious World of Crowns, Kinks, and Curls

Hair is a form of expression and individuality. It can reflect our personalities, our struggles, our successes and our culture. This metaphor is extended throughout Keli Goff’s play The Glorious World of Crowns, Kinks, and Curls, which Different Strokes Performing Arts Collective is currently producing at the Tina McGuire Theatre through Sunday, Feb. 18.

Pisgah Legal executive shares insights, guidance on Medicaid expansion

“It’s important for readers to know there are free resources across the state to understand their options and support them in going through the enrollment process,” says Jaclyn Kiger, Pisgah Legal’s COO. “I think the state of North Carolina has done an excellent job to roll this out as quickly as possible. Any delay puts people at risk of not having the coverage that they need. “

Buncombe County Veterans Treatment Court debuts podcast

The Buncombe County Veterans Treatment Court debuted “Voices of Recovery,” a podcast hosted by program director, licensed clinical social worker and Marine Corps veteran Kevin Rumley. The podcast addresses mental health treatment and recovery from substance misuse as alternatives to incarceration. The Veterans Treatment Court, a voluntary program for U.S. veterans who are facing certain […]