“This ain’t your granny’s chamber music,” claim husband and wife, Jonathan and Jennifer Adams, on their band’s website. The couple’s sound is constructed of guitar and cello pairings, delivered with more spunk than you’d expect from any instrumental family band and packaged under the name Montana Skies. The duo’s knack for extracting spiced-up grooves from classic instruments landed their music on NPR and the Travel Channel before sending Montana Skies Asheville-bound for a collaborative theatrical event. Western North Carolina dance veteran Ann Dunn and colleagues have choreographed 12 original dances to complement Montana Skies’ live set in yin yang fashion, according to Dunn. The event takes place at Diana Wortham Theatre on Sunday, Aug. 10, at 3 p.m. $26.75 general admission and $16.05 students/children. Visit dwtheatre.com or call 257-4530 for tickets.
Smart bets web extra: The Asheville Ballet with Montana Skies

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