“Yesterday alone, I saw birds that should be conserving their energy in the colder winter months flushed by a person loudly listening to talk radio on an observation platform, another person playing ukulele in a tree and an unleashed dog splashing through the water.”
Author: Letters
Showing 1849-1869 of 2951 results
Letter: Read to Succeed volunteers improve kids’ futures
“Please join us in helping our students rewrite their futures. Join our next reading coach training, which begins the week of Jan. 15 … or the reading buddy training that begins Feb. 7.”
Letter: Thanks to commissioners for renewable energy vote
“Brownie Newman, Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, Al Whitesides and Ellen Frost voted in favor, and the three Republicans made speeches about how they support the environment before voting no.”
Letter: Why I’m an animal rights activist
“And yet, in this mix of ‘afflictions’ is also optimism and joy in the awareness that the tide is rapidly turning worldwide — often led by the younger generations — in understanding animals and adjusting eating and living habits accordingly.”
Letter: Vegan picture doesn’t match experience
“Being a vegan, I naturally know many vegans and vegetarians, and these people are peaceful [and] healthy, and love both animals and people.”
Letter: Give the gift of reading (and choose WNC authors)
“Western North Carolina is fortunate to have talented authors who write for children and young adults. Buying a local author’s book is good for the local economy and good for our children.”
Letter: Consider adopting a pet this holiday season
“These animals really need a good home, and most shelter animals are very grateful to get one.”
Letter: What do Asheville’s homeless have to offer?
“Pity is sadness for one’s misfortune and keeps you in the past, but an exchange in goods and sharing of resources moves you forward.”
Letter: Has outrage addiction taken over animal rights issue?
“Once again, we see the tendency of the far left to attack the almost far left for not being pure or strident enough.”
Letter: Rural veterans in Buncombe County need a lift
“My concern is that transportation availability is limited for vets for accessing health services and other essential destinations such as grocery stores. I am encouraging our citizens to help by volunteering to drive veterans in rural county locations.”
Letter: Unity is key to progressives regaining power
“I believe we need to help the Democrats who stand up for the good of all and to unify around these candidates at the voting booths. This is why a group of dedicated progressives has united to form the Progressive Democrats of Buncombe County.”
Letter: Are apartments in Asheville the real problem?
“Asheville obviously has a housing shortage, and I’m not sure what the apartment protesters think the answer is to that problem.”
Letter: Time to ramp up progress on equitable food system
“As a progressive city with a ‘food destination’ reputation, it is our responsibility to make an equitable food system a goal and to make food policy and programs a high priority across city departments.”
Letter: The faux snowflake of Pack Square
“How did Asheville get duped by a ‘snowflake imposter’?!”
Letter: Antifa story approach backfired
“It is a surefire way to reinforce conservative people’s preconceived notions of ‘the Other’ and delegitimize the valid, broad-based — and mostly mainstream — tranche of citizenry fighting the ‘good fight’ in these troubling times.”
Letter: Encouraging dialogue in our local community
“For all of us, I believe, it was inspirational and encouraging to hear the high school students’ viewpoints: intelligent and thoughtful.”
Letter: Tired of Asheville hippie-crites
“I took my teenage autistic son trick-or-treating in West Asheville, off Haywood Road, and was so outraged by these jerks who dress and talk like hippies, who were bullying and judging kids.”
Letter: Buncombe County should go for 100 percent renewable energy goal
“With the deadlock on climate change and attacks on the environment at both the federal and state level, we have a chance here in Buncombe County to make real progress on climate change by establishing a goal of going to 100 percent renewable energy.”
Letter: What our Sunday school teachers never mentioned
“Fox newsman Bill O’Reilly said he is ‘mad at God’ for failing to protect him from his $32 million sexual harassment lawsuit. You gotta wonder if ole Bill ain’t asking for a really special favor from God.”
Letter: McHenry favors policies that make life harder
“Polls indicate less than 25 percent of voters favor this bill. Once again, McHenry talks ‘tax reform’ but supports unpopular policies that make his constituents’ lives harder.”
Letter: Xpress should change giveaway rules
“I wish Mountain Xpress had not changed its contest policy because I believe it discriminates against disabled readers, elderly readers and those without personal transportation.”