“Please, people, pay attention to road conditions and drive responsibly and protect us all.”
Author: Letters
Showing 1870-1890 of 2951 results
Letter: Allowing thoughtful political discourse
“This is not only informative, but by making such nuanced positions and groups more public, it gives citizens permission to embrace and express nuanced and thoughtful political positions rather than always choosing one of only two mostly illusory and contrived sides.”
Letter: Crowd out short-term rentals
“STRs should be crowded out of existence by affordable housing density, not regulated like a bureaucratic scapegoat.”
Letter: Could you be the voice for a child?
“With so many kids in the GAL program, our office is overwhelmed with cases, and we have a critical need for volunteers to represent children’s best interests in court.”
Letter: Yay, more beer
“We don’t need more beer or breweries. We need more space for people to have real, multifaceted lives beyond the Disney-fied dystopian construct that Asheville has become at a cost to all else.”
Letter: How do antifa square tactics with First Amendment?
“How can the antifa call themselves ‘nonviolent’ if they announce their intention to forcibly prevent others from exercising their constitutional rights? If not by force, then by what means?”
Letter: Attention, fellow Asheville drivers
“So, you know how to drive; now learn how to drive better!”
Letter: Asheville’s future depends on kids and their career choices
“Raw talent is evenly distributed through the school population, but opportunity is not. If we are going to supplement their education in some way, we have to go where the kids are and cover all of them.”
Letter: Shame to share for openly toting guns
“Shame on us for not rising up in outrage and allowing this issue to disappear into another black hole news cycle.”
Letter: North Asheville neighborhood is wrong place for apartments
“I am deeply horrified to learn that Hathaway Development, a non-Asheville developer from Atlanta, wants to put a high-density apartment complex on 29 acres on Country Oak.”
Letter: Raising minimum wage would help food insecurity
“It seems to me that the main reason why people are food insecure is that they just do not have enough money, especially since food prices keep increasing. If the food is ‘available’ and they can’t afford to buy it, it won’t help them.”
Letter: Caregivers are unsung heroes
“Caregivers are the unsung heroes in health and community service systems.”
Letter: Williams, forever fierce for the people
“I have seen her not only show up and speak up for the black community, but also I have seen her advocate for a city that is accessible to all of us.”
Letter: We need Lee’s pragmatic, progressive policies
“His thorough research, compassionate listening ear and pragmatic yet progressive policies are exactly what we need.”
Letter: Wisler and Roney stay true to roots
“I will be voting for Gwen and Kim so that we can put their experience, commitment and new ideas together on Asheville City Council.”
Letter: Smith will bring commitment to equity
“I see in her a devotion to compassionate community leadership. Asheville touts itself as bastion of progressivism, but for that to be true, we need politics that match our people.”
Letter: Williams, Smith and Roney understand value of Youth Transformed for Life
“While there are four women vying for seats on Asheville City Council, Gwen Wisler will not be getting my vote. I base this decision largely on Gwen’s lack of advocacy to fund for Youth Transformed for Life …”
Letter: Roney impressed as thoughtful, intelligent
“I was especially impressed with Kim’s excellent communication skills and calm demeanor.”
Letter: Supporting Williams’ bold economic vision
“Dee, a native of Asheville and a small-business owner, has worked for issues of justice all her life as a black woman.”
Letter: Roney offers leadership for change
“We need leadership who is smart and flexible, who holds fast to the values of equity and affordability but is willing to listen and learn along the way. Kim Roney is that kind of leader.”
Letter: Proud to join fellow vegans in protest
“The local vegans have nothing to gain personally from their protest. In fact, as they pay for supplies out of their own pockets, it costs them money. I’m proud to be associated with them.”