“In a time when local food is essential, a discussion about growing food or paving the land for a playground is senseless.”
Author: Letters
Showing 64-84 of 2891 results
Letter: The case for rebuilding the Vance Monument
“Rebuilding the obelisk presents an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue about our past, acknowledging the undesirable complexities of historical figures like Vance, while also honoring the positive aspects of their legacies.”
Letter: Thoughts on the TDA and socialism
“Forced to do the best they could, I believe the Tourism Development Authority did the right thing sidestepping a lawsuit that they probably would lose.”
Letter: Universities must go deeper with AI
“Our universities must go beyond merely teaching the use of artificial intelligence; they should also connect with current industry professionals and teach how to develop, evolve and maintain it.”
Letter: Forest Service needs a name change
“Let’s change the name of the ‘Forest’ Service to the U.S. ‘Lumber’ Service.”
Letter: Do we want successful outcomes after prison?
“Reentry from prison shouldn’t be this difficult and degrading, defeating and repressive. If we want successful outcomes to occur, then change must happen.”
Letter: Why Asheville needs infill housing
“In fact, new research affirms what housing advocates have argued for years: Even where land and construction costs are high, new infill is essential to reducing rent and home prices across core neighborhoods.”
Letter: Workers + no housing = ?
“If people cannot afford to live here (or near here), we will not have workers to serve the tourists we are trying to woo.”
Letter: TDA funding could go further
“We need to protect visitors’ experiences with more police patrols, a continuous downtown shuttle originating from a satellite parking lot, better sidewalks, turning the pit of doom into a busking zone, etc.”
Letter: Let’s get profit out of health care
“Research reveals public hospitals and nonprofit hospitals produce better patient outcomes than the for-profit ones.”
Letter: Please move Downtown After 5
“I suggest that the Asheville Downtown Association please use Roger McGuire Green for Downtown After 5.”
Letter: Send BID bill to the tourism bureau
“Since much of this effort revolves around cleaning up downtown to make it more desirable for tourists, demand that the funds come from the tourism bureau and their grossly overfunded budget.”
Letter: Inspired by story of therapeutic arts program
“I was so happy to read about the creativity and initiative this couple has taken and feel confident that the school is a blessing to all who attend it.”
Letter: Why does APD get special treatment?
“The local housing crisis is dire and certainly deserves front-page coverage, but it continues a trend of treating police officers differently than other people.”
Letter: APD deserves community support
“Statistics show that when first responders live inside the cities they serve, the community benefits, and the first responders build a solid foundation of pride needed to commit to serving the populace.”
Letter: Send a message about bear cub incident
“As humans, it is our responsibility to protect wildlife, report when there is mistreatment and uphold consequences for mistreatment, as it is unlawful to interfere.”
Letter: Pay up to keep police and teachers in town
“The bottom line is that the turnover rate for teachers and the unfilled positions of police officers in Asheville is unacceptable.”
Letter: Check the source for ‘extremist’ label
“The Moms for Liberty group, by today’s definitions, is certainly conservative in trying to protect young children from sex-related matters (many quite extreme) until they are more mature in their abilities to sort out reasonable choices, and they deal with those questions responsibly.”
Letter: Pick leaders who choose safety over ideology
“Let’s prioritize candidates who propose practical policies to ensure our city remains a safe, thriving place.”
Letter: Where is our land ethic?
“Let’s contact our elected officials and let them know that you value our natural resources, wish they would think more about habitat and consider these plans.”
Letter: More input needed on school library book bans
“Are educators the best people to decide what books to ban for student libraries? Absolutely not.”