“So please join me in putting on a jacket and a mask and going outside to support our local businesses and community at a safe distance!”
Author: Letters
Showing 1093-1113 of 2956 results
Letter: Take the time for a hand recount
“With this unusual high-absentee ballot election and with large opportunities for fraud — every effort must be made to assure voters of election integrity.”
Letter: Thoughts on reparations
“I think reparations are a wonderful idea — just as soon as you give us back our land!”
Letter: Three little words
“Saw Cawthorn’s three-word comment on winning Meadows’ seat.”
Letter: A vision for Madison Cawthorn
“Madison can choose to follow his idol’s path, fanning the flames of hatred, or he can lead by listening, respecting and working for us all.”
Letter: Those who appreciate Vance will carry on his memory
“No matter how much you find the Vance Monument offensive, it is at least equally offensive to those who have an appreciation of Gov. Vance for the difficult job he had to do from 1862-65 to hold this man responsible for all problems of society, real or imagined.”
Letter: Speak out about what we want from police
“Let’s demand ethical, compassionate care for everyone in our community and acknowledge that we cannot look to the police for these interventions.”
Letter: Fond memories of Cram’s legacy
“I never had the opportunity to meet John, but Laurey’s and Oscar’s high regard for him as well as his physical standing legacy speak volumes.”
Letter: The possibility for true healing
“It speaks volumes to the possibility of a true healing in our emotionally challenged times.”
Letter: Consider gay leaders and women in renaming push
“Why not rename the Vance Monument and the streets after prominent gay leaders who have supported and helped to grow Asheville into the vibrant city it is today?”
Letter: Here’s to you, John Cram
“You were a major reason we can sometimes proclaim, without too much dripping disdain: ‘Asheville is the Paris of the South.’”
Letter: Participate at local level, where change happens
“Depending on your situation, choose a specific activity to do your little part to make our part of the world a bit better.”
Letter: No grounds for protesters’ actions
“This Asheville father does not have anything of the truth!”
Letter: Thoughts on voting and capitalism
“We’re all children in this universe and, like all good care units, we are to heal the sick — not elect them.”
Letter: More info needed as aerospace plant proceeds
“Some of us are concerned, however, that we never knew whom this new manufacturer would be.”
Letter: Asheville residents must play role in city planning
“Citizens must play a role in city planning, especially with the rate that Asheville is growing.”
Letter: Why run a cigarette ad?
“You at least had the large disclaimer of a few of the deadly health effects, so my question is why would the MX even consider running an ad for this?”
Letter: More greenways should accommodate needs of disabled people
“The Americans with Disabilities Act is supposed to give disabled people access to community venues and events. This is not being honored in regard to greenways.”
Letter: Take steps to reverse global warming with Drawdown EcoChallenge
“The Asheville High School Environmental Science program invites you, Western North Carolina, to join us in a three-week engagement competition, the Drawdown EcoChallenge, which is rooted in learning about and practicing the solutions to reverse global warming.”
Letter: Lee would bring good qualities to Asheville City Council
“He weighs complex issues carefully, listens to all voices and makes clear decisions.”
Letter: Wells cares deeply about our community
“In today’s deeply weird political climate, we need people who unify us, who listen to people and who act for the greatest good.”