“If the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023 makes it into law, it creates a way to cut the federal budget, including Medicare and Social Security, largely behind closed doors.”

“If the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023 makes it into law, it creates a way to cut the federal budget, including Medicare and Social Security, largely behind closed doors.”
“Unbelievably, Congress is about to end a program lowering costs for millions of us, making life that much more expensive.”
“Mass shooting fatalities are 70% less likely with the assault weapons ban in place.”
“When I consider pro-life policies, I think affordable housing and health care, safe schools, commonsense gun control laws, clean water and air, conversion to renewable resources, a strong social safety net.”
“Beasley and Beach-Ferrara will protect the rights we have enjoyed for decades. Budd and Edwards want to send us back 50 years or more.”
“In North Carolina, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates over 300,000 children (and their families) will slip back into poverty.”
“This inspiring story could encourage people to achieve great things and to rise and overcome your limitations for success.”
“So, the only conclusion that I can come to is that those who have objected are aiding and abetting the lies.”
“After all the horrors of that day, the murder, the desecration and the rape of our democracy, Madison Cawthorn had the impudent lack of any regard or respect for our country to vote to overturn the will of the people and make Donald J. Trump a dictator.”
“By Jan. 6, he was busy denouncing the constitutional election process, advocating the overthrow of the presidential election and helping to incite a deadly attack on the U.S. Congress.”
“Let’s send someone to Congress whose career reflects significant education, training, relevant work experience — and maturity.”
“We do not need another extreme-right politician to further these misguided policies.”
“Privatization of the postal service would create separation from the citizenry it serves, undermine communication so essential to democracy and facilitate the movement to an authoritarian regime.”
“Workers of the world, rise in virus crisis unity!”
“National parks in North Carolina need $459 million for infrastructure repairs. Crumbling historic markers, outdated electrical systems and deteriorating trails and roads are now common.”
“I choose to believe that more of us will be moved with compassion like the good Samaritan and will go out of our way to lovingly care for others in need by sustaining or increasing out charitable giving.”
“Write your senator to demand improvements in the ACA we depend upon.”
“Here’s a different idea: What if some [local] hotel owners, Airbnb owners and people with an extra bedroom or two decided to welcome a few families who are at the border to stay for free and raised the funds to transport them here?”
“I am thrilled that he stands with our president and hope that he has a long tenure in Congress!”
“Because of these and many more of Mark Meadows’ positions that my wife and I disagree with, we are actively supporting the alternative for the 11th Congressional District, Democrat Phillip Price.”
“N.C. 11 must elect Phillip Price and other Democrats as a check on presidential power before Trump does any more damage to our great nation.”