For the March edition of “The Playlist,” Xpress reached out to electric, indie-pop musician Moon Bride (Carly Kotula) to tackle our latest theme: unexpected turns.

For the March edition of “The Playlist,” Xpress reached out to electric, indie-pop musician Moon Bride (Carly Kotula) to tackle our latest theme: unexpected turns.
The Asheville City Council voted March 25 to authorize the city to assume ownership of 31 storm-damaged buildings and turn their lots into green space under a FEMA program.
Amid rumors around the country of mass immigration raids, Sheriff Lowell Griffin says it’s unlikely that level of enforcement will happen within Henderson County.
In his debut collection, The Long Invisible, poet Michael Dechane examines broken relationship and starting anew. Many of the works are set in Florida, where Dechane grew up, as well as Western North Carolina, where he now resides.
Opened March 22, Elliott From’s working artist studio will host live art and music performances.
Curbing parking requirements is a trend nationwide. According to Portland, Ore.-based Parking Reform Network, over 1,000 U.S. cities have reduced parking minimums, while 82 U.S. cities have eliminated them altogether.
Plus a wine dinner at Little D’s, a new food-relief partnership aimed at building disaster resilience and a Community Giveback event at Romeo’s Vegan Burgers.
Rice porridge and a cinnamon-rich chicken soup are go-to healing meals for chefs Ray Hui and Suzy Phillips, respectively.
A robust stout, cinematic vibes and German lessons were part of the recent visit to the underground brewery.
The bawdy stage show plays Thomas Wolfe Auditorium on March 27.
The star-studded March 30 benefit show will raise money for local musician Jon Stickley’s son’s medical bills.
The March 30 fundraising event for WomenNC wraps up Women’s History Month while ushering in spring.
“Maybe if we were ‘Asheville Smart,’ we could create a more equitable and a more sustainable culture to replace the inequitable and unsustainable parts of our culture that got washed away.”
“The stress caused by the uncertainty of not being able to rely on a program I’ve contributed to my entire working life is unconscionable.”
“Please protect the woods for the animals that live there and for the humans that enjoy them. Please preserve our ecosystem.”
“For example, 90% of the parking lot at the outlet mall is not being used.”