The celebration of World Water Day benefits local environmental nonprofit MountainTrue.

The celebration of World Water Day benefits local environmental nonprofit MountainTrue.
Tessa Fontaine hits the sidewalks of the River Arts District to experience rucking, a low-impact exercise based on military training activities.
Tennis champions and celebrities will come together Feb. 2 in Asheville to host the fundraiser supporting storm recovery efforts.
Chuck Killian, Amanda Gentry and David Bradley share their experiences singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” before Asheville Tourists games.
Our reporter and his musician friend see what Navitat Canopy Adventures is all about.
Today, the popularity of the women’s game is booming. But the sport is far from new. And 40 years ago, UNC Asheville boasted a championship team and a record-setting player of its own.
The championship game was a larger-than-life community affair. The team represents the only high school on the Qualla Boundary, the home of the federally recognized tribe of the Eastern Band of Cherokee.
As part of Xpress’ Kids Issue, we speak with 10th grader Houston Mashburn about his role as a batboy for the Asheville Tourists.
People involved with the team at different levels reflect on the Smoke’s brief but memorable run and whether Asheville might support pro hockey any time soon.
When you spend as much time on a Onewheel as Finn Holcomb does, you crash a lot. “I crashed last night,” says Holcomb, an Asheville High School senior and a nationally ranked competitor in the burgeoning sport of off-road Onewheel racing. “I’ve got a bandage on my left hand, and my right hand’s bleeding. You […]
Although “Shadow of Wheel” is partly autobiographical, filmmaker Paul Bonesteel sought to make the story larger than his own. He tracked down as many riders as he could and interviewed nearly all of those still living.
Larry Hawkins says there is no place in baseball like the Asheville Tourists’ McCormick Field.
Steven Reinhold is a volunteer with Outdoor Gear Builders. The organization works to foster a prosperous outdoor business community by cultivating, connecting and supporting WNC’s outdoor industry.
Robin Lenner has volunteered with Girls on the Run for 10 years. The organization inspires girls of all abilities to strengthen confidence and other important life skills through physical activity.
A study commissioned for the TDA by the Huddle Up Group, a Phoenix-based sports consulting firm, recommends consolidating the sports commission into the tourism body. The TDA already funds the bulk of the commission’s work, at roughly $230,000 per year. (The city of Asheville and Buncombe County each pitch in about $45,000 annually, while UNC Asheville offers its facilities as in-kind contributions.)
Attendees at baseball games may pick up part of the tab for the McCormick Field improvements through a new 50-cent “facility fee” to be added to each ticket.
McCormick Field has been home to a minor league baseball team for each of the past 64 years. The current Tourists franchise brings in roughly $9.8 million in local spending annually for Buncombe County.
Tennis, soccer, baseball and softball players face different challenges in the colder parts of the year.
For many local gyms and workout facilities, which saw membership plummet in 2020 and 2021, things took a positive turn in 2022. Most say they are at or near pre-COVID numbers. But virtual offerings, outdoor exercise and smaller exercise classes introduced during the pandemic are likely to stick around.
Kelsey Davis, director of Blue Ridge Service Corps and Campus Missioner at Western Carolina University and the University of North Carolina – Asheville, discusses her role of providing collegiate athletes spiritual guidance and the challenges athletes face.
North Carolina can support as many as nine Las Vegas-style casinos with gambling throughout the state, including one in the Asheville area, according to a report commissioned by the General Assembly.